
Contract Roadshows, ratification voting coming soon

Posted Apr. 11, 2018 by

As announced last week, state contract bargaining is over, and now members should begin making preparations to vote on their tentatively agreed upon contract language and Fact Finder's Report, both of which will be released over state and personal email to state of employee bargaining unit members soon.

The Tentative Agreement will contain all the contract changes that management and the OCSEA bargaining teams have tentatively agreed to as well as the union’s major wins and management’s takeaways. Articles not agreed to, will not appear in the Tentative Agreement, but will be included in the Fact Finder's Report.

Those articles to be decided by the Fact Finder include wages, health Care, work schedules and overtime and work are agreements Fact Finder Rob Stein, who is deciding those issues, is expected to release his report by April 19. Once the Fact Finding Report is issued, it will also be emailed to OCSEA members under the state contract. Hard copies of the Fact Finding Report will be available at regional contract roadshows around the state beginning April 25.

All members are urged to attend a regional roadshow near them to ask questions. Voting will be held on the chapter level. Chapter leaders will begin receiving voting packets next week and can hold a ratification vote as soon as their regional roadshow is held. Contact chapter-level leaders for voting dates and locations.

Attending a roadshow does not count toward Steward recertification. Roadshows are for informational purposes only. Contract training will occur after contract ratification and those classes WILL count toward Steward recertification.

Learn more:

Bargaining Next Steps

Contract Roadshows