Please see below message that was sent from the Ohio Dept. of Administrative Services (DAS) to Ohio State employees regarding pharmacy benefits during the current situation.
For those with State benefits coverage, DAS has worked with their third-party benefits administrator to temporarily remove the restriction on how soon you can get a prescription-drug refill.
Dear Colleagues:
As we all work together to address the current COVID-19 situation, our top priority is the health and wellness of our State workforce. The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) is announcing a change to our pharmacy benefits plan that will help you manage the current situation.
Governor Mike DeWine has cautioned all of us to take the steps necessary to prepare ourselves and our families. The Governor, Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton and the CDC all advise us to keep a 2-week supply of prescription and over the counter medications, food and other essentials.
For those with State benefits coverage, DAS has worked with our third-party benefits administrator to temporarily remove the restriction on how soon you can get a prescription-drug refill. Normally, you cannot get a refill until you are a certain percentage through your current prescription fill (75 percent for retail pharmacies and 65 percent for mail-order). Lifting this restriction will allow you to get those refills sooner and ensure you have an uninterrupted supply of medication as the situation with COVID-19 evolves.
Please note, any refills must be consistent with the original prescription amount. (e.g., a 30- or 90-day supply, as originally written by your provider).
On behalf of all of us at DAS, thank you for your continued service to Ohio’s citizens. It is times like these that the important role our public servants play is most apparent. We also understand that you have your own families to care for and concerns to manage. Here are a few resources to help.
- is a wealth of accurate and timely information on the situation. It includes many resources, including a variety of helpful checklists.
- Your emotional health is always important, and even more so during high-stress situations. As State employees, everyone has access to the Employee Assistance Program (1-800-221-6327). Those enrolled in the State’s medical plan also have access to other behavioral health services. Visit our benefits page for more information.
- LiveHealth Online, the State’s telehealth vendor, is also available to all employees via facetime or live video chat 24/7 at
Thank you for all you do for our State.
Matt Damschroder
Director Ohio Department of Administrative Services