
Members celebrate Labor Day, growing union support

Posted Sep. 3, 2024 by


Labor Day 2024: Union momentum continues to surge

Union momentum is surging nationwide. Everywhere you look, working people are asserting their rights and insisting on a fair shake. Union members are empowered and emboldened, demanding dignity and respect––and claiming a seat at the table.


There was plenty to celebrate this past Labor Day weekend. "Working people’s fight for freedom is front and center, and unions are an essential part of the national conversation," wrote AFSCME President Lee Saunders in his annual Labor Day message.


New polling released by Gallup just before the Labor Day weekend shows that unions enjoy an approval rating of 70%. That is an increase over 2023 and the continuation of a steady upward trend that we haven’t seen in more than a half-century. This is the eighth year in a row that public support has been above 60%, and it’s a dramatic turnaround from 15 years ago during the worst of the Great Recession.


Americans know and understand that life is better in a union. "When you belong to a union, you have a voice. You’re not under the boss’ thumb. You have the power in numbers to make change on the job. And when unions thrive — when we can stand together to improve wages and working conditions — everyone benefits," said Saunders. Read his Labor Day message HERE...

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Toledo chapter celebrates at annual Labor Day parade

Toledo activists from OCSEA Lucas Chapter 4800 joined other AFSCME and labor union members this past week to celebrate Labor Day in style with family and supporters. The chapter marched in the annual Toledo Labor Day Parade to remind the community why we celebrate Labor Day and the importance of public union members who make Ohio happen. The chapter celebrated with matching chapter t-shirts. 


Representing at Newark Labor Day parade

Shout out to OCSEA brother Steve Kullman who served as the Grand Marshall at the Newark Labor Day Parade. Steve is an ODNR Environmental Specialist 2, OCSEA/ODNR Assembly officer and Chief Steward and Treasurer for Muskingum/Coshocton Chapter 6000. He has been active in the parade for decades and is an advocate for public union members within the union.