
OCSEA's Convention going paperless

Posted Jun. 26, 2017 by

There's something amazing happening at this year's OCSEA Biennial Convention. For the first time, union delegates will come together for an entirely PAPERLESS convention! This green innovation came about, not only to save precious resources, but also to save OCSEA members money that could be better spent on contract enforcement and threats to their jobs.

The paperless event will include an interactive mobile site and a member-driven social media focus.

The 32nd OCSEA Convention is Aug. 24-26, 2017 in Cincinnati, Ohio. OCSEA member delegates, elected by their chapter member peers, participate in actions that promote public service union members and vote on the business of the union, including changes to the OCSEA Constitution and important union issues.

Stay tuned to this website for updates on the new mobile site.