
OCSEA: GOP tax plan to hurt communities, working families

Posted Nov. 1, 2017 by

OCSEA President Chris Mabe issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives issued its tax plan today that gives millionaires and corporations lavish tax breaks but hurts working families:

“The tax plan released by congressional leaders today will hurt the communities that public employees, including our members, work around the clock to keep safe, healthy and strong. Working families are already struggling, while the super wealthy and corporations rig the rules to their own benefit. Now Congress will use partisan games to force cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and other vital programs to pay for more tax cuts to millionaires and big corporations who already avoid paying their fair share.

“The same working families Congress and the president promised to help are picking up the tab again. Under their plan, the tax breaks being eliminated are those that benefit working families. In fact, many middle class families, including in our union, would see their taxes go up. This is because their plan would eliminate popular deductions such as student loan interest payments, as well as the deduction for state and local income or sales taxes.

“This dangerous tax plan doubles down on the same policies that have only helped the rich and powerful grow more rich and powerful, and failed the rest of us for decades.”


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