
Want to get back to normal? Strong Unions are key!

Posted Nov. 14, 2017 by

How do we return to normalcy in our country, grow jobs and build the middle class? AFSCME President Lee Saunders says strong unions are key to rebuilding our nation!

As we all know, unionized public-service workers–-like prison officers, highway workers, health and employment service providers, and teachers–-sustain our communities. So, attacks on these public service unions not only threaten organized workers, they threaten democracy and civic life. “They threaten all of us!” said Saunders.

“Labor unions provide the stability that allows democracy to flourish,” said Saunders. “Union members raise standards for non-union workers in everything from wages to benefits to time off. So, if we want to get back to normal, strong unions are key.”

See what AFSCME is doing to fight for a "Better Deal" for workers and its report that shows exactly how strong unions create stronger communities.