
Take action to curb school voucher expansion

Posted Jan. 28, 2020 by

The Ohio Education Association, Ohio's largest educator's union, wants Ohioans to take action and ask Ohio legislators to reduce the expansion of school vouchers that negatively impact public school funding. If a new law isn’t enacted before this Saturday's EdChoice enrollment period, the list of voucher-eligible schools will triple and adversely impact public school districts in need.

A bipartisan step in the right direction, Ohio Senators voted yesterday to reduce the number of schools where EdChoice vouchers can be used. However, the Ohio House immediately rejected the senate deal today, which included the voucher reduction as well as an additional $30 million for public school districts to ease the impact of income guideline increases. The bill now goes to a house-senate conference committee with the deadline looming in two days.

"[EdChoice] is draining critical resources from public schools across the state and depriving our students of the critical resources they need for success. This is wrong. A fix is urgently needed," said OEA President Scott DiMauro. Ninety-percent of Ohio students attend local public schools, said DiMauro. Take Action!