
Union Education Trust funds at risk under Senate tax plan

Posted Nov. 15, 2017 by

In the fine print of the Republican tax plan passed by the U.S. House (and now moving to the Senate) are numerous provisions that would make it harder for middle class families to seek higher education, including those who use the union's Union Education Trust funds for higher ed and on-the-job training.

These GOP tax plan includes the elimination of the following higher education tax provisions:

  • The $2,500 tax deduction on student loan interest;
  • The $2,000 Lifetime Learning Credit deduction;
  • The $5,250 exemption on employer-provided funds for secondary education (which would include UET funds).

Take action now! Tell Senate to vote NO on this plan!

Contact Sen. Rob Portman and tell him: The GOP tax plan makes post-secondary education even less attainable for middle class families and does nothing to relieve students buried in college loan debt. Call NOW and tell him to vote NO! or text “Resist” to 504-09. You can also call or send an email at

Related: GOP tax plan: Corporate giveaway with no relief to working families

Union Education Trust