
Get the PEOPLE MVP hoodie for a limited time

Posted Nov. 16, 2017 by

For as little as $4 a pay period, you can become an AFSCME PEOPLE MVP and receive the brand-new OCSEA PEOPLE incentive hoodie! The black hooded OCSEA sweatshirt is high-quality and union-made in the USA!

For a limited time, any OCSEA member who contributes or increases their voluntary AFSCME PEOPLE contribution to the MVP $4 level or more will receive the hoodie. PEOPLE is totally voluntary and allows OCSEA member to build respect and protect their jobs and freedom to bargain. Download the PEOPLE Hoodie flier.


AFSCME PEOPLE is the union’s political action fund and allows the union to take an active role in electing officials who advocate for public employees and the freedom to bargain for wages, health care and other terms and conditions of employment. Our political action fund is made up of 100% voluntary contributions.

Why do we need PEOPLE?

AFSCME PEOPLE helps us elect leaders who value public service workers and the services we deliver, and to hold them accountable. With PEOPLE, we have a seat at the table so we can advocate for the services we provide, and advance the concerns of working families.

Here's how to give to PEOPLE:

Payroll deduction, or PEOPLE check-off, is the easiest, most reliable and most important source of PEOPLE funds. You just sign a card authorizing your employer to deduct a specific amount of money as your voluntary PEOPLE contribution. Then, every pay, the employer transmits your contribution to AFSCME PEOPLE. It’s that easy! Contact Tim Roberts by email or phone at 614-865-2612 to sign up or increase today!

Learn more at