
Rally alert! Fight back against gerrymandering that hurts unions

Posted Jun. 27, 2024 by


Action Alert! Rally at Statehouse to Put Citizens in Charge of Redistricting

Ohioans have voted overwhelming twice to stop gerrymandering. But the politicians at the Statehouse did not get the message. Instead of drawing fair maps for Congress and the state legislature, the politicians defied the will of the people and kept doing business as usual.  The result? More gerrymandered maps to keep themselves in power. 


Now there’s a chance to end gerrymandering once and for all. A citizens group has been collecting signatures to put a new anti-gerrymandering amendment on the state ballot in November. This time an independent bipartisan commission made up of citizens from across Ohio would draw the maps. No politicians allowed! 


On Monday, July 1, the group called Citizens not Politicians will hold a rally in the atrium of the Statehouse in Columbus before they deliver the signatures they’ve gathered to the Ohio Secretary of State. The call has gone out for union members to pack the atrium and show support for giving power back to the people. The rally starts at noon and everyone is encouraged to wear union shirts, hats or buttons and to show up early to make sure you find a place to park around Capitol Square.