
OCSEA online calendar gets an upgrade

Posted Jan. 17, 2017 by

The OCSEA online calendar is a valuable resource for OCSEA leaders to share meetings and important events with their members. And now, the new and improved calendar is making web browsing a breeze with an integrated interface to easily switch between calendar month view and event lists without reloading the page and more.

“View Calendar” and “Event Calendar” tabs make it so easy to change between the calendar and a detailed event lists without interrupting your web browsing flow. Drop-down menus allow for seamless interchangeability between the calendar and detailed event list, making it easier to find the exact month, year, event, and location that you are looking for.

Once in an event notice, clicking the “Back” button makes going back to your previous location in the detailed event list a piece of cake, automatically remembering your previous location.

To view all of the changes made to the calendar page, head over to