
Say thanks to Senators against dental bill

Posted Feb. 5, 2020 by

On Feb. 5, five members of the Ohio Senate Insurance & Financial Institutions Committee did the right thing today and voted NO against moving the dental bill (Senate Bill 148) forward that removes caps on non-covered dental services. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to stop the bill from getting voted out of committee by a 5-7 vote. Please join us in thanking the five senators, including Sen. Dolan and Sen. Kunze, who split with their party in favor of helping insured Ohioans. Write a letter of thanks to them for standing up for Ohioans!

But our work is not done. Now the bill is expected to move to the full Ohio Senate for a floor vote. Learn more about the dangers of SB 148 and how to contact your own senator about voting NO on this dangerous dental bill that will send dental costs soaring for OCSEA members and ALL insured Ohioans.