
Stop national "Right-to-Work;" sign solidarity pledge

Posted Oct. 3, 2017 by

At the end of September, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court accepted a case called Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, which would make the entire public sector in the U.S.“Right-to-Work” in one fell swoop.

Janus is a blatantly political and well-funded plot to use the highest court in the land to further rig the economic rules against everyday working people. This case started with an overt political attempt by the billionaire governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner, to attack public service workers through the courts.

If the court sides with Janus, which many predict it will, public union members will no longer have the freedom to bargain a strong contract. Nor would they have a fully-funded union voice on the issues of wages, benefits, safety and other issues. This attack is no more than an attempt by the anti-union establishment to “strike a ‘mortal blow’ and ‘defund and defang’ America’s unions,” says AFSCME, our national union. The case is expected to be heard in December or March, with a decision in May or June.

Get very familiar with this case now! Read more.

Sign the "We're Standing Together" Pledge

The anti-union establishment, from legislators in Washington D.C. to ultra-rich lobby groups, like the Koch Brothers, will stop at nothing to dismantle unions, attack your rights in the workplace and take away any advantages that allow workers to obtain the American Dream! Don't let them silence your union voice. Make the "We're Standing Together" Pledge and send the message that you're sticking with your union, no matter what!